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Climate Change
Local Climate Change Fact Sheets
Science of Climate Change
Prepare yourself to discuss the foundations of climate change science with this factsheet. What are the causes, how do we know, and how does climate change have the effects it has.
Cost of Climate Change Adaptation
Climate change, and adapting to climate change, has very real cost for governments, and for you! This fact sheet has information on the financial costs of climate adaptation.
Act on Climate Change
How to take action, and talk about taking action? This factsheet collects actions from all the handouts, so you can maximize the climate actions of you and your friends.
Health and Climate Change
Learn the key impacts of climate change on health in Thunder Bay, and prepare yourself to teach others!
Active Transportation and Climate Change
Transportation is a big contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in Thunder Bay, but walking, biking, or wheeling your way to destinations can reduce the impact. Find out how much of an impact you can have, and how to communicate and advocate to make active transport more accessible, convenient, and safe.
Canada’s Carbon Budget
The world only has so much “carbon”, or greenhouse gases we can emit to limit warming to 1.5 degrees, and reduce the risk of catastrophe. Find out about Canada’s share of the budget, and how to stay within in.
Community Perspectives
Before talking about climate change, it can be useful to know what your friends and family may already think about climate change. This factsheet includes results from Dr. Lindsay Galway’s work collecting perspectives of climate change from people living in Thunder Bay.
Wildlife and Climate Change
Climate change doesn’t only impact people. Learn about how our local plants, animals, and ecosystems are also feeling the impacts of climate change.
Stormwater and Climate Change
Flooding is one of the most visible impacts we have already experienced from climate change in Thunder Bay. Learn how climate change has played a role in past storms and floods, how it will change storms in the future, and how Thunder Bay is adapting.
Up in Smoke
Forest fires can be big, catastrophic events. Learn how climate change impacts forest fires, and how Thunder Bay can be affected by fires even when they aren’t threatening our homes.
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Climate Change, Water, and Lake Superior
Thunder Bay is next to one of the world’s greatest lakes! Find out how climate change is impacting Lake Superior and other bodies of water in our region.